Melanin to Melanin

Melanin to Melanin – Relationships In & Out


First let’s start with what melanin is in relation to your personal being and its interaction with those around you.

various shades of human melanin

So, what is melanin scientifically? In relation to your personal being, it is the electrical current highway that allows the personality (ka) to express and be. When it comes to relationships and this highway is blocked it can cause relationship issues. This is primarily due to the fact that the chakras are imbalanced.


The imbalance in the chakras can cause a cascade of events that effect your outer world in an epic way. By way of bad days, loneliness, sluggish, non-motivation, and a sense of non-fulfillment. Care for and rebalanced of these areas is imperative this very moment. In order for any relationship to flourish the electrical currents that run along these melanocytes must be free of blockages. The relationships you have with another people will be skewed if these areas of the self are not in alignment.

Getting Back to Nature

The rebalance will come from a 180-degree change in health and wellness and better awareness of what is said and done. Our thoughts are very powerful and influence the way our wheels (chakras) spin. Getting back to nature is what it’s going to take to get rebalanced. Here are a few ways to do so:

  • Get outside. It’s best to be bare foot when outside to absorb more elements, in the sun, and near a body of water.
  • Sitting under a tree with your back to it reading or meditating.
  • Gardening. Whether indoors or out planting live plants will expel mother nature within your aurora
  • Star gazing. Though not really earthly it can however aid in having a better appreciation for self and others.

Victory is YOURS

Remember, you are the captain of your ship. If you want to be balanced in relationship areas and within your total body, then it is imperative that you will the ability to balance your chakras. The power is with you. #force_within

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